
Tuyisenge Chislon Rwandan based artist born in1997. A self-taught Artist and Traditional dancer Inspired by nature, African traditional art and influence of art in the different societies of world. His art mainly focus and passionate about African wildlife, nature and people 's life.

At his early ages begun sculpting different small animals by using the mud and wires and sketching using different pencils. At this time he never knew that he was making art. After many years in drawing, He decided to do art as his carrier and started Joining some different art galleries in Rwanda to fulfill his talent. he continued to develop his art talent by visit different museums and art centers, He realizes that he was already an artist at young age.

Since 2017 Chislon is determined to the creative artworks that brings good impact to the society for better living. 
His process for producing paintings and artworks Involves the use media includes acrylic paints, water colors paints and an array of textures with textiles, fabrics and papers, etc. and he paints using both brushes and palette knifes but most of the time like to use palette knives. And also he sometime use recycled materials such as old or unused bottles, cups, wires, and other materials and give them value by creating art installation through them as to save environment free from being polluted.

Collaborating with others both local and international artist and Working with different people on different many types of projects have shaped his ability to any sort project.
Now Chislon lives and works in Rwanda at IvukaArtscenter as visual artist,Where he helps and teaches children in his village how to use Arts and Rwadan traditional dancing to express, to show their feelings and ideas in peaceful way and to change their living life. He exhibits his paintings in different gallery in Rwanda Gallery including IvukaArtscenterYayaArtgallery ,RedRocks Art Conservation.

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